Friday, November 7, 2008

It's a New Day

Be The Change You Want To See

It's a New Day


Lioneye said...

I love you post and like you that was one of the greatest things Ive seen in my life time... Great posts to all around

Tournesol said...

Hi,I am so proud of your country.I
have voted for Barack Obama,now he is the president of US.It is just so good.

Mightiest Kirk said...

It is way past time for change in this country, though undoubtedly there has been much change since Bush took office. Change for the worse.

It is also the most proud I've been of our country, due to the inspiration that President Obama has seen to show to the people of the world and of course, especially inspiring to/of/for and about the people in the United States.

I'd never thought about our country in such terms before because of my selfish way of life. I suppose once you hit a certain age or tax bracket you can't ignore such facets of American life anymore.

Change from the way our gov't is run is necessary. Change from the way we used to view and utilize our leaders - local, state and federally, is past necessary.

It was and always will be necessary, but my utter ignorance, self-centeredness and lack of faith/confidence and most importantly 'hope' was dominant over my interest in my country.

So I too must change.

I too.

Anonymous said...

now we'waiting for the change led by president Obama, he is very brave man,symbole for the justice.
remember an old song ,old black joe,when i was in primary class,
...i have a dream also

Sharon said...

Hi Kirk,

I received this as part of an email from "ColorLines". I think it speaks to some of your feelings.

"On January 20th, two million people gathered in our nation's capitol to watch the first Black person take the oath of office and become the 44th President of the United States of America. RaceWire and ColorLines were in Washington, D.C, New York, Chicago and Oakland capturing all of the inaugural excitement. But while we've all been celebrating our nation's historic accomplishment, conservatives have been casting President Barack Obama's election as "evidence" that we have achieved a colorblind, egalitarian society. We cannot let them use this symbolism to stop us from rebuilding a rigorous role for the federal government, not only in protecting people from discrimination, but also in promoting equitable solutions."